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Oxfam x Adobe Creative Jam

App Design Competition


Design Challenge

Team of 3 

Duration: 1 week

“Name and design an app that turns personal values into actions that have a measurable benefit.
Use technology to make supporting causes more than just a  transactional experience.” 

Thought Process

We all live by different personal values. It impacts our thoughts, decisions, and actions that we make hundreds of times every day.

And while many individuals are becoming more socially active,

many companies are also conducting business based on core values.


Here, we found a chance to bridge the organizations/companies and users to support each other and mission more directly and effectively. 

Why do & don’t we donate to charity?

Donation is one of many forms we practice our values in lives. We give to charity based on our social conscience, personal values and principles, and these donations are crucial to keep the shared missions going for an impact. 
However, most of the time, donations are expected purely out of selfless initiatives which are hard to reach or continue, especially when people doubt the transparency or credibility of the organization.

Reasons for not helping organizations

43%    They do not have the financial resources
20%    Volunteer in lieu of making a donation
17%      Donate Goods and/or services in lieu of donation
12%     Don't trust organizations to spend their money well
6%       Prefer to spend their money on their family and friends
2%       Don't believe that organizations make much difference

Our shift as consumers

In order to create an app with a measurable benefit, we had to understand how we practice personal values and how we as consumers are shifting these days.

Our focus


Information Architecture

// Low fidelity wireframe


// Colors

Final Concept

A shopping app that helps you make better purchasing decisions by supporting the brands that give back to the community and to our planet. The power is in our hands. Let’s help each other while helping ourselves. 

Explore. Shop. Get Involved.

Check easily what types of causes a brand supports

Practice your value while you shop

Involv bridges people and brands based on the values they share in a hope to help both users and sellers support missions for a cause. Select your interests for personal recommendations of products or brands.

Profile to track how much you practiced your values.

Direct power to impact the world

Change unconscious habits of shopping into a smarter and healthier experience. Support a product, share them with friends or social media, learn about companies’ core values, and redeem points as donations to organizations.

According to NY Daily News, an average woman spends about 400hours for a shopping in a year, which amounts to 8.5 years spent shopping during a typical lifespan.

Explore. My Involvement. Shop.

Clearly divided sections guide you to learn and engage with brands without disturbing the shopping experience.

(Aug 18-25, Oxfam x Adobe Creative Jam, Team Name: MSN Design)

© Sohyun Jeon
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